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Silver Linings from Quarantine

Debora Anglin

Updated: Jun 4, 2020

The Anglin PR team continues to serve our clients mostly from home. It is a couple months on from when we first announced Anglin PR would go 100% remote, and we have made it over some hurdles. Little things, like angling our web cams to hide piles of laundry at home, and big things like managing worries about our health are all becoming more manageable - we hope it’s getting easier for you too!

Admittedly, though, there are some parts of this strange new world that we will probably keep. Obsessive hand washing, for one. But on a more fun note, the staff at Anglin PR have all picked up some projects, hobbies and new habits that we’ve really enjoyed! So for your viewing pleasure, we’d like to share some of the small silver linings in our lives right now. Debbie Anglin

During quarantine, my husband and I have been painting a piece of furniture. A long, low bench to go under our TV. We looked all over and could never find it in the color we want – glossy, fire engine red. Thankfully we have a professional artist friend, Jerry Bergin, who loaned us his paint sprayer and extensive painting knowledge. We have before and during photos, but still no after photos. Lol. The project keeps growing. It’s still not finished.

Working from home during a pandemic has given me a deep appreciation of my kitchen appliances. I’ve leaned into it by attending (digitally) a pie crust class with Joy the Baker, making an array of dishes in our new Instant Pot and roasting a lot of vegetables to balance out the significant amount of ice cream that’s now a part of my diet.

Since I’ve been spending a lot more time at home, I decided to start up some home improvement projects. I’ve only ever lived in dorms and apartments, so I didn’t have the opportunity to change much. With the house now, I’ve been learning how to anchor heavy shelves, mirrors and curtains to drywall and we’re planning to install a kitchen island too.

I’m quickly becoming the frontrunner for Parent of the Pandemic. I’ve taught my 5-year-old daughter the art of gardening by planting strawberries and wildflowers. We’ve learned that Mommy always wins the game “who can throw the rock the farthest.” We’ve made friends with and learned the names of at least six roly polys (Silas is a favorite since he’s the biggest). And all you need to make the fastest waterslide in the neighborhood is a water hose and a bathing suit.

I've been loving the various projects that I've been working on around the house lately. My main project has been a complete overhaul of my front lawn, which due to the previous homeowner’s neglect, had become overrun with perennial weeds. I decided to start fresh by killing and removing most of what was there and planting new seeds. At the moment, it looks like a war zone, but in a few weeks I should have some nice new grass growing and I'm looking forward to it! I've never had my own lawn so it has been fun to learn a few things and take on a big project like this.

“Extra time” means pulling out all of the games, activities and puzzles collecting dust. We tackled our first 1000-piece puzzle as a family - leaving it out and working throughout the week. I think my husband got a little obsessive and we’d “catch” him scanning pieces throughout the day. My 10-year old also insisted we teach her how to play Texas Hold ‘Em poker, so that’s been a great evening activity. I count it as math, negotiating skills and social interaction, so basically like school, right? Certainly not Parent of the Pandemic award-worthy, but I’ve also been trying to be as flexible as possible with expectations - my main goal is to stay sane, followed by a chance to look back and see this as a joyful time.

Lana Henderson For me quarantine consisted of moving states and graduating from college! I made the 6 hour and 30 minute drive from Columbia, MO down here to the lovely OKC. Luckily I signed my lease and found my apartment before we all went into quarantine. Other than being at my apartment, parks have been my main go to through this time when I’m tired of unpacking and organizing my home. I have been trying plenty of takeout and delivery options to support local but I can't wait to explore my new city!

Danielle Williams In a move that was part retail therapy, part supporting a local business I bought an embroidery kit from Out On a Limb. It’s been a fun hobby to pick up and I like that almost zen feeling when I’m intensely focused on each small stitch. Luckily I found some canvas cloth from an old, unrelated project so I’ve been really churning out these little embroideries these last few weeks (a note to my family: every single one of you are going to end up with these for christmas).

We definitely miss being in the office together, but we will gladly continue social distancing as needed until OKC is in the clear. It's hard, but there are certainly some silver linings to this situation! We hope you're feeling the same say. Stay safe, everyone!


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